Monday, September 25, 2017

One Day Session for parents how to teach kids at home

#NEWERA English Medium School #NEEMS
#TheTrendSetter sets another example by organizing #OneDaySession for parents on the topic of
"How to teach kids at home?"
The teachers of #NEEMS taught the parents about #Maths#English#VoiceandAccent#Arabic#Deeniyat, & #Abacus etc.
Where as Mr. #Chairman #AzharJameel had a talk on #Parenting.
The Session was really a need of an hour.
It was all about not to promote tuition culture and encourage home studies.
Alhamdulillah the Session was Historically Exceptional & Successful.
The entire team of #NEWERA Family devoted the fullest.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Public Speaking & Stage Daring Session at NEEMS

*Public Speaking*
#NEWERA English Medium #School ( #NEEMS ) #Malegaon.
( *Trend Setter* )
Focuses on children's *All Round Development*
Hence every Friday there is a session held, where students perform on stage in front of thousands eyes and enhance their #Confidence#Communication Skills & #Public Speaking.
In Sha ALLAH today's these learners will be tomorrow's leaders.