Saturday, March 23, 2019

Nursery Students Convocation Ceremony held at NEEMS

#NEW_ERA_ENGLISH_MEDIUM_SCHOOL and #NEW_ERA_SEMI_ENGLISH_SCHOOL#Malegaon makes #Nursery#students taste the future in an amazing #convocation_ceremony. At the end of #Nursery #education, students are offered their certificates in a ceremony palnned and executed in a grand scale and style. #NEEMS as always comes up with an entirely new #concept where students showcase their artistic and academic bent of mind.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Bringing out the hidden talent: Friday Session

Bringing out the hidden #talent in the #students#New_Era_English_Medium_School regularly conducts #personality#development programmes for future leaders. #Friday_Session nurtures students in skills of oratory, stage daring, manners, etc.
Students from class 1st to class 5th participated in #Friday sessions and recited Quirat, ,delivered speeches , performed plays , Abacus demonstration etc.
Students themselves perform the duties of #anchors.
Glimps of the First session of the month.

Friday, March 1, 2019

Remembering Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

Remembering the #Titans. On the death #anniversary of #Maulana_AbulKalam Azad, #Friday_Session was held at #NEWERA_English_Medium_School #Malegaon #NEEMS
on 22nd February 2019.
The session included introduction of Maulana Azad, his quotes and a play based upon his life.
An educational act based on Azan was presented. Entire programme was managed by the students themselves.
Glimpse of the Session .......