Saturday, October 19, 2019

Learn while having fun is the motto of NEEMS

Learn while having fun is the motto of #NEW_ERA_ENGLISH_MEDIUM_SCHOOL, Malegaon. #NEEMS conducted fun-filled, learning-oriented ACTIVITY DAY on 18/SEP/2019 The Students of NURSERY to KG participated with great enthusiasm and anticipation. They came up with spell-binding creativity. #Chairman of #NEEMS, Mr Azhar Jameel sir, has made it a custom at #NEEMS to always make education student-friendly. Relish the students' excitement:

Thursday, October 3, 2019

NEEMS Celebrating Colors Day

It is Time to Learn while having Fun.
#NEW_ERA_English_Medium_School & #NEW_ERA_Semi_English_School celebrated
#COLOURS_DAY on 30th September 2019 where the Tiny Tots of Pre-primary Section had a great learning with Fun.
The motive of celebrating the day was to make the students aware of different colours & it's significance moreover to develop Fine Motor Skills in the students.
The students of Nursery, LKG & UKG performed on the stage, played different Games and spent the day with great zeal & zest.
Glimpse of the Memorable Day .......